Friday, February 6, 2009

American Idol Season 8 and some other stuff

Yesterday afternoon, I have already thought of my plans for the day (Yes, my day starts in the afternoon. How weird is that? Haha!)- to have my pictures printed for my apartment and to go back to the store where I downloaded High School Musical 1 movie, because it was incomplete. 'Twas about 5:55pm when I just remembered that it was Thursday and American Idol will be on in a couple of minutes! Since I was about to take a shower and AI wasn't on yet, I thought maybe I could bathe really fast so I could catch up. I immediately shampooed my hair but in the middle of it, I heard AI already started so I ran out to watch it with all the shampoo dripping on my face. I can't afford to miss every bit of AI - that's how crazy I am with AI!

It was Hollywood week and every contestant was feeling nervous. Simon has added even more pressure with his announcements like, "If you forget the words, you're out". Like, plainly auditioning for AI was too much pressure, with the whole world watching your every move and Simon would add up to your nerves! If I were there auditioning, I would have fainted. Haha!

I haven't noticed whether we have a Filipino contestant this season but it would be really cool if we have one, right?

What's up with this picture? Haha! I hate it when photographers take your picture while you're singing. You make up funny faces when hitting the notes and it will show on the photos.

The Divas group. This bikini brunette acted as if she were a real diva during the auditions. She's really gorgeous and can sing but her attitude was too much for the judge's to handle. If I were her, I'd behave really good at first, and if I win, then I'd act like a diva everyday. Unfortunately, only one from their group made it, the one on the far left.

Adam Lambert. One of my faves so far! His audition was excellent. Nice look and really amazing voice. I am sure that he's going to make it to the finals.

Tatiana - and her group. Ok so Tatiana is the girl at the far right of the picture. She is really a psychotic girl. Hahaha!!! Happy now, crybaby later. Honestly, I am not expecting her to last that long. But she's a really pretty girl though.

Next week, we are going to expect more emotional scenes and great performances from the remaining contestants as AI continues to lower the number down to the final ones.


This afternoon, I woke up at 2:30pm. One hour ahead of my anticipated wake up time.

I decided to eat breakfast - sausages and rice. I felt the need to create my first blog so I browsed the web for some inspirations. What to write about? well I really didn't have to think of it because I just want to talk about the things I'm crazy about. So yeah, I thought of writing about AI. Nice idea, right? Haha! :)

Okay, after thinking of what to write, I crammed because I had to go to the gym at 5pm. It was raining! Darn... I'm gonna be a little wet... Anyway, eventhough I was feeling a bit lazy, I still went on because my trainer, Paeng(nice name, huh?!), was waiting for me.

I arrived there just in time. Paeng was looking very trainer-like to me than ever before. I can tell that he put extra effort today wearing a blue Nike shirt and white khaki shorts., maybe because I wore a Nike shirt on one of our sessions. He is shorter than me, (like, who's taller than me anyway? Haha!) probably about my shoulder level but he's built is very muscular, like he can easily squeeze me in seconds.

I just started training with him last Monday and my gym life wasn't the same eversince. Hahaha! That's because our training are really intense unlike before that I wasn't feeling any muscle aches when I was doing the training myself.

So we started training. We're focusing today on my legs and back. I was actually fearing this day when we're gonna focus on my legs. I wasn't really paying attention to them before. We were just doing the first few sets and I was sweating like hell! It felt like I wouldn't be able to walk for a week!

I had a pretty heavy breakfast so when we were in the middle of the workout, I had to go to the comfort room to... yeah actually puke a little. Poor me. Hahaha! The workout was pretty intense for me to handle. Shucks.

At the final part of my workout, Paeng pretty much left me in doing the abdominal crunches. I had to do 3 sets but since I was so exhausted, I only did 2 sets! Well yeah, I cheated on myself rather than Paeng right? But who cares?! Nyahaha!!!

I was soaking wet, not with rain, but with perspiration! My shirt and shorts were literally full with sweat that I could actually squeeze them dry. Gosh. Next time I have to bring a more absorbent towel.

Tomorrow, it will be my day off and I have planned to visit the dentist for an extraction. Nice alibi for me not to workout for a week!

-lorenz adam

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