Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mariah Carey: I Stay In Love

I just saw this video last week when I visited my friend at the hospital. I was shocked that a video was already out and didn't know about it.

I just loved the song when I first listened to it so watching the video added extra excitement! It was introduced to me by my high school friend early last year.

Mariah's outfit kinda reminded me of her old music video "Breakdown".

And the guy looks, er, okay... (clears throat)

This scene looks impossible.

I just hope Mariah will choose clothes that will hide her sagging arms, though. Mariah, you are still an icon to me, but please...


I just went to our pantry here at work and found a water conservation advisory above the sink that says "Make every drop counts". What's up with that? Hahaha!!! To think that we are in an English-speaking company.

-lorenz adam

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