This is what the email says:
Due to
The War at Home
By Chip Tsao

The Russians sank a
But hold on-—even the Filipinos? Manila has just claimed sovereignty over the scattered rocks in the South China Sea called the Spratly Islands, complete with a blatant threat from its congress to send gunboats to the South China Sea to defend the islands from
As a patriotic Chinese man, the news has made my blood boil. I summoned Louisa, my domestic assistant who holds a degree in international politics from the
Grimly, I told her that if war breaks out between the Philippines and China, I would have to end her employment and send her straight home, because I would not risk the crime of treason for sponsoring an enemy of the state by paying her to wash my toilet and clean my windows 16 hours a day. With that money, she would pay taxes to her Government, and they would fund a navy to invade our motherland and deeply hurt my feelings.
Oh yes. The Government of the
Wow. That's really harsh.
I can't believe Chinese people are such idiots. Yes China is a powerful country but they are not gods. This author is talking like Filipinos should bow at their feet and worship them. And they are making these OFW's suffer because of the Spratly claim. This is so childish.
These maids need not suffer at all. Why do these Chinese men have to humiliate them in public? They are treating them as if they are animals. The Chinese people are lucky that they are so wealthy and progressive but it's getting too much!
Yes we may be a 3rd world country but it's not an excuse for discrimination.